The shared objects are compiled with an additional option,-fpic or-fPIC, to generate position-independent code and placed into a shared object library with the-shared option. 使用附加选项-fpic或-fPIC编译共享目标代码,以产生位置无关的代码,使用-shared选项将目标代码放进共享目标库中。
EasyMock is an open source mock object library for the Java programming language that helps you quickly and easily create mock objects for all these purposes. EasyMock是一个针对Java编程语言的开放源码mock对象库,可以帮助您快速轻松地创建用于这些用途的mock对象。
If the memory footprint of a single copy of that shared object library is several hundred megabytes, the available heap space can be exhausted pretty quickly. 如果共享对象库的一个副本的内存占用是几百个MB,那么可用堆空间将被迅速耗尽。
Build the calculator web service shared object library. 构建计算器Web服务共享对象库。
Options-fpic and-fPIC cause code generation to be position-independent, which is required to recreate a shared object library. 选项-fpic和-fPIC导致生成的代码是位置无关的,重建共享目标库需要位置无关。
The resulting object module might be loaded directly into main memory, but more often, it is stored on an object module library ( Fig.7.7). 得到的目标模块可以直接装入到主存,但更多的时候它存放在目标模块库中(图7.7)。
For the adjustment object of library law, the academic circles exists different understanding. 对于图书馆法的调整对象,学术界历来存在不同的认识。
Object library's language setting incompatible with current project 对象库的语言设置与当前工程不兼容
Name conflicts with existing module, project, or object library 名称与现有模块、工程或对象库冲突
Review of Digital Ground Object Spectral Library 数字化地物反射光谱数据库研究进展
A Sixty-year Contention on the Study Object of Library Science in New China& At the angle of "Knowledge Theory" 新中国图书馆学研究对象争鸣六十年&一个知识说的视角
Discussion on the Object of Library Science 图书馆学的研究对象探讨
The article has elaborated that the research object of library science should reflect the overall contents of library science, and points out that the research object of library science is the library work. 文章阐述了图书馆学研究对象要反映图书馆学研究整体内容的观点,并认为图书馆学的研究对象是图书馆工作。
This paper designed the system foundation class library referencing to classical design patterns and implemented the reusability and extensibility of foundation class library which includes foundation object library and foundation object management library. 参考经典的设计模式,设计了系统基础类库,实现了基础类库的重用和扩展。基础类库包括基础对象库和基础对象管理库,它们的设计和实现简化和统一了系统对各种装配信息的处理。
When analyzing the scripting object model, the scripting object library routines are reconstructed and the complicated web database query system can be easily and quickly realized by visualized manipulation. 笔者剖析了微软脚本对象模型的实质,在此基础上对脚本对象程序库进行了改造,使得复杂WEB数据库查询系统的构建可通过可视化操作快速方便地完成。
The studied object in library science is a start point of cognition and research of library science. It is also the basis of library science that is different from other scientific knowledge. 图书馆学研究对象是图书馆学认识和研究的起点,也是图书馆学与其他科学知识相区别的依据。
Talking about the Evaluation Systems of the Research Object of Library Science 论图书馆学研究对象的评价体系
In acknowledge age, building the "Study-model Library" has been the object of library workers. 在知识经济时代,建立学习型图书馆成了图书馆人追求的目标。
Multi-frame Chart Release Based on Office Object Library 基于Office对象库的多层结构的图表发布
On Knowledge Set: Exploring an Object of Library Science 知识集合初论&对图书馆学研究对象的探索
Many kinds of descriptions of the study object of library science have been given. 图书馆学研究对象有种种同中见异、异中见同的表述。
On the Question and Criticism of the Research Object of Library Science 图书馆学对象研究:审问与批判
The object of library science research 究竟什么是图书馆学的研究对象
So it is not the object of library science. 知识集合论未揭示出图书馆本质,所以知识集合不是图书馆学研究对象。
Furthermore, the object library of the traffic flow microscopic simulation environment discussed herein is established, the framework of the urban arterial route traffic flow microscopic simulation systematically devised, and the main functions implemented through C++ programming. 然后,建立了交通流微观仿环境对象库,并对城市主干道交通流微观仿真系统框架进行了系统的规划与设计,用C++编程实现了其中的主要功能模块;
The method for development of SIS by using ActiveX Data Object Library and ADO Ext. for DDL Security in VB6.0 is described, mainly including database design and construction, database security management and data integrality definition, etc. 阐述了在VB6.0中,采用ADO核心库和ADOX扩展库协同工作的方式,实现小型信息系统开发的方法,主要包括数据库的设计与建立、数据库安全管理和定义数据完整性等方面的关键技术。
A New Opinion about the Core Problem and Research Object of Library Science 图书馆学的核心问题和研究对象新见
When programming application, the programmer could directly call ACP-API function if the header file of Shared Object Library was included. 在编写应用程序时,只要包含此共享对象库的头文件,就可以直接调用ACP-API函数。
ACP-API is designed with Shared Object technique of Linux. We designed interface function into Shared Object Library which can be dynamically linked. ACP-API使用Linux的共享对象技术,把接口函数设计成可动态链接的共享对象库。